About Greg

Avatar of Greg Lampert

Greg Lampert

Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbal Medicine

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Greg has been practising acupuncture since 1989 and Chinese herbal medicine since 1995. At the age of 19 he had a course of acupuncture along with guided lifestyle advice that resolved a lifelong pattern of asthma. Interestingly this was not the reason for seeking treatment but a consequence of the holistic method that Chinese medicine offers. Having taken an interest in medicine as a child but put off by the ‘inhaler mentality’ when treating respiratory problems conventionally his interest in medicine was reignited.

Greg also teaches both acupuncture and Chinese dietary therapy at the acupuncture college in Reading and with Danny Blyth is co-author of the booklet and e-book Chinese Dietary Wisdom – Eating for Health and Wellbeing. In whatever time remains, he is usually found somewhere near the kitchen.

Treatments and Prices

  • Acupuncture consultation and first treatment (90 minutes): £80
  • Acupuncture follow up (45 minutes): £55
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine consultation (45 mins): £60
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine follow up (30 mins): £50

Clinic Hours

  • Wednesday: 9:30pm - 6:30pm

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Bonn Square Therapy Room,
New Road Baptist Church,
Bonn Square, Oxford,