About Rosie

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Rosie Waygood


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Rosie Waygood, MSc Ost., M.Ost is a registered Osteopath who is all about empowering people through a renewed sense of freedom in their body. Rosie studied two Osteopathy Master degrees at universities in London and Hamburg, where her passion for working with all ages, including little ones, led her to also pursue training as a paediatric osteopath.

Determined to delve deeper into the roots of Osteopathy, she joined a course in cause-oriented Osteopathic Medicine at the University of Witten-Herdecke in Germany, where she became a clinical tutor.

Rosie takes a holistic approach. Her aim of treatment is to treat not only the site of pain, but also find the underlying source of dysfunction, which is often located in other parts of the body.

Treatments and Prices

  • Osteopathic Treatment (45 minutes - 1 hour): £70
  • Paediatrics Osteopathic Treatment (45 minutes - 1 hour): £60

Clinic Hours

  • Friday: 8:30am - 2:00pm

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Bonn Square Therapy Room,
New Road Baptist Church,
Bonn Square, Oxford,